How NOT to Get Your Teeth Kicked In: Many martial arts systems teach the WRONG way to get up — forget those fancy kip-ups from Kung Fu Theater — that will result in an emergency visit to the dentist.
Performing the wrong stand-up technique (which unfortunately is taught in many martial arts) can result in your attacker EASILY pushing you back down onto the ground — talk about wasting time AND energy.
How to hit an attacker who’s standing over you and use that movement to get back up NOW.
Three is the Key: We break down moves to just three main parts, which is easy for anyone to digest. Simply — beginning, middle, and end. The last thing you need when your life is on the line is a complicated technique that is impossible to remember.
Drills for Skills: Old-school teaching was technique-based. NEW-school teaching is drilling-based. This program has drills galore for rapid mastery. And, heck yeah, it’s a lot of FUN too!
Safety FIRST: As a doctor of chiropractic, I have treated many patients who injured themselves with martial arts training. Don’t be one of them. We show you how to take care of your partner so that you can BOTH train consistently.
Find Out Why Fighting From Your Back Can Be Fatal
And Unlock the Secrets to Getting Off the Ground As Quickly (and Safely) As Possible So You Can Flee or Fight Back
Knowing how to stand up safely in a violent confrontation might be the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ground-fighting skill to posses.
Many vital reasons, actually:
Vulnerable to weapons: Your attacker just knocked you down and pulled out a knife...and you can't get up. You are now in some real danger.
Multiple opponents: The best time for a bad guy to kick you is when you're down. Now imagine three of his friends joining in. A "boot party" can send you to the hospital...or worse!
Limited mobility: Now imagine the bad guy and his friends ALL have weapons. Good luck trying to flee the scene — especially if you are pinned to the ground or getting stomped on.
Environmental hazards: The ground can be a nasty place to be — you could be cut by broken glass, shredded by gravel, or jabbed with nasty needles.
- Who guards the bodyguard? How can you protect your loved ones if YOU are the one on the ground needing protection?
Those aren't good enough reasons to learn how to effectively get off your back in a brawl?
Then check out the footage below of REAL-LIFE violence and see it for yourself.
But be warned: This video depicts actual attacks. Viewer discretion is advised.
If you watch enough footage of real-life attacks like we do, one thing becomes painfully clear:
Victims who get caught on their backs are more likely to be beaten, stabbed, shot, robbed, raped, or killed. So, it makes sense to have...
The LIFE-SAVING ability to get off the ground so you can flee or fight back during a violent encounter.
But that DOESN'T mean you need to become an expert in ground-fighting.
In fact, you only need to know what's important to train for street self-defense scenarios.
And I'll show you how.
Hi, this is Dr. Conrad Bui, co-founder of Tiga Tactics and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ).
Even though I've spent the past 15 years dedicated to studying and teaching BJJ, as well as actively competing in national tournaments, I've always looked at grappling from a street-fighter's point of view.
And what I've found is that about 90% of what I learned in BJJ was great in the gym and for competition but … I would NEVER use it for self-defense.
That means you only need the other 10% to be effective!
But which 10%?
Our “Antigrappling III: Stand & Fight”™ course will uncover what actually works in a real-world attack.
I have stripped down over a decade of BJJ training to bring you the meat and potatoes, the nuts and bolts of street-grappling survival.
You will NOT learn this material in any wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, or Krav Maga school.
Because this is the cutting edge in combatives that is released exclusively by the professionals at Tiga Tactics.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You Will Learn
If that’s not enough, this innovative course also includes the following:
Watch in real time as I get to my feet while being punched — NO JOKE! This is the same drill you will do safely and effectively once you learn how.
Got boxing gloves? Train this stand-up drill that will work your core and prepare you for the streets.
Focus mitts are a solid tool to have to learn boxing, no doubt. We hope you have a pair to train your family. If you do, we’ll show you how to utilize focus mitts to maximize your grappling skills.
Belly down on all fours? It’s worse than being in the dog house! This is one place you do NOT want to be because your attacker has free reign to stomp and punch you. Get to your feet ASAP (so you can fight or flee) with this ONE simple technique.
Getting up from all fours is fraught with landmines if you do it wrong. Many martial arts teach it incorrectly — if they teach it at all — resulting in your head getting kicked in and your organs battered. We reveal the mistakes and show you how to avoid them.
So many videos show you technique after technique as if somehow you will absorb the technique through the magic of video. Don’t be a fool! Any teacher who says otherwise is a fool. We are not here to sugarcoat anything. You gotta drill and train these techniques and we tell you how, in a safe and FUN way.
Watch in real time as I pummel my co-founder, Patrick, with kicks and punches as he tries to get up off the ground. Not only is it fun to watch, it is very educational. Now it’s your turn to have fun, get a great workout and develop street survival skills.
This science-based combatives program is for people who DON'T want to grapple on the street during a brawl.
If you were to take private lessons from me to learn this program, you can expect to pay $200 an hour — that is IF I have the time, as my private student training load is full! Not only that, you would have to fly up my Tiga Tactics co-founder Patrick Vuong to round out the knowledge.
Getting us to teach you privately together would cost you $400 an hour.
But today we're not going to charge you that much. In fact, we're not even going to charge you half that amount — even though $200 would be a good deal.
This chapter of our "Antigrappling"™ series costs just $150.
But, because we don't want money to get in the way of you learning how to master the fundamentals of street-grappling, for a LIMITED time...
You can get this course for ONLY $100!
But don't delay!
This deal is only available for the next 50 purchases. Once we hit that mark, the price goes back up.
If that's not enough, we're giving you a BIG BONUS
FREE Program: Recording of our Shoulder-Lock Workshop (Value: $100).
If you missed this live in-person seminar, you’ll get lifetime access to the recording of our session on shoulder locks.
We not only show you how to apply a keylock (AKA figure-four armlock or ude garami), but also dive deep into how this devastating submission can be applied in other ways — from a ground grappling situation to how it's used in various striking arts like Silat, Kuntao, and more.
And, the best part about the recording of this live session is that you can rewatch it at any time.
This BONUS includes the following:
Attack the Anatomy: Thanks to his decades of experience as a chiropractor, Dr. Conrad Bui explains why shoulder locks are so effective as a grappling weapon and how destructive they are to that joint.
Build Dynamic Shoulder Health: The old-school way was to do static stretches for long periods of time. The new-school method is dynamic stretches that encourage range of motion through natural movements, which first warm-up the muscles and then elongate them. Learn this dynamic stretch to promote joint health in both shoulders — not just for self-defense but longevity, too!
Smorgasbord of Shoulder Locks: Almost every martial art, combat sport, and reality-based self-defense system has shoulder locks. And they multiply in application when you analyze how each style brings its own flavor to this devastating lock.
As a master-level instructor (guru tua) of Pentjak Silat Serak, Conrad will not only show you how a shoulder lock is applied in Indonesian martial arts, he also breaks down other fundamental fight concepts that set up the technique — including footwork, deflecting, and elbow strikes.
Transition to Painful Takedowns: Get a step-by-step guide on how to flow from the shoulder lock to what Silat is infamous for: devastating takedowns that leave the bad guy with shattered bones and busted skulls.
Because Silat is a bladed art, you’ll also see how the figure-four lock can be amplified if you have a knife in your hand.
Split-Entry Setup: Joint locks can be applied whether you’ve moved to the outside, the inside, or if you’ve used a split entry (re: one limb is to the outside of your opponent and one is on the inside.) Different setup but same joint-shattering result.
- If one Indonesian martial art wasn’t enough, Conrad also explains how these similar movements can be performed using Kuntao Silat, a hybrid style that combines the precise combat geometry of Indonesian Silat with the brutal bone breaks and deep stances of Chinese Kuntao (AKA Kung Fu).
Still not enough for you? This free 10-part BONUS also contains the following:
Mixing It Up With MMA: Learn the move that UFC champion Jon Jones used to be victorious in the Octagon. If you’re in a standing clinch, surprise your opponent with this variation of the figure-four lock, which looks more like a strike than a joint lock.
As a competitive black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Conrad dives into how to secure the Americana shoulder lock while on the ground. Along the way, he teaches you other key concepts, such as Side Control, Underhook, and the dreaded “Paintbrush” principle to inflict more pain.
Kimura Shoulder Lock: The opposite of an Americana (or figure-four shoulder lock) is the Kimura lock. Conrad breaks down how this painful joint manipulation can be expressed in many different styles and cultures, from Japanese and Brazilian to Chinese and Indonesian.
From Omaplata to “Oh My Gawd, My Arm!” The Omaplata is a dynamic method of getting a shoulder lock using your legs. Yes, you read that right, your legs! Find out why this BJJ move both thrills and scares competitors on the mat.
Keep Your Guard Up: We’ll also show you how to use your legs to guard your head when you’re flat on your back, allowing you to not only score the Omaplata but more importantly to protect your head.
That same lock can be applied while standing, too. How? Learn how to fight like a Shaolin monk, using thunderous strikes from Kuntao to close the gap to secure that Kimura lock with a different martial flavor.
Use All Your Limbs: The Kimura position leaves your opponent vulnerable to knee strikes and takedowns. Kuntao shows you how to do all that with your legs so we can keep the bad guy’s locked up with your arms.
- Bear Hug Defense: Whether it’s used by a wrestler on the mat, an MMA fighter in the octagon, or a rapist on the street, the bear hug attack from the rear can be a dangerous hold. Conrad shows you how to apply the Kimura lock to not only break out of this position but also potentially break the bad guy’s arm in the process.
You Can Get All of This Today
All Courses
Antigrappling III: Stand and Fight
Course"Antigrappling III: Stand and Fight" is the third and final course in our street-grappling program, teaching you how to safely get back to your feet and into the fight.
All Courses
Shoulder-Lock Workshop
CourseThis recording of an in-person workshop focuses on the most common ways to secure devastating shoulder locks. Thanks to his 40-plus years of experience, Dr. Conrad Bui shows how to set them up, whether on your feet, on your back, or in a clinch.
This mean that you will not only be enrolled in the “Antigrappling III: Stand and Fight”™ course with 17 videos, but you’ll also receive this BONUS recording of our Shoulder-Lock Workshop worth $100.
Ironclad Moneyback Guarantee
Don’t like what you see? We’ll refund every penny.
NO questions asked.
That is how confident we are in knowing that you will LOVE the program and find it a valuable addition to your self-defense training.
Your Friend,
Dr. Conrad Bui
Tiga Tactics co-founder
P.S. — Our “Antigrappling III: Stand and Fight”™ course is for non-grapplers who want the third chapter to street-grappling mastery. For only $100, you receive all 17 videos and 1 free bonus workshop.
P.P.S. — This price is available ONLY to the next 50 buyers. Once we hit the 51st purchase, the price goes back up. Click the red button below!
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