Learn the secrets to the program that a U.S. Army Green Beret said “should be mandatory for anyone interested in carrying a blade as a self-defense tool.”

If you feel like the world’s becoming more dangerous by the hour, I won’t blame you.

Hi, this is Patrick Vuong, co-founder of Tiga Tactics.

As both a journalist and a self-defense instructor for more than two decades, it’s my life's mission to study and investigate crime and its causes.

And I have to admit that I’ve never been more concerned for my and my wife’s personal safety on a day-to-day basis.

Callous murders.

Vicious rapes.

Smash-and-grab robberies.

In our post-pandemic world — with inflation skyrocketing and drug-addled homeless people spreading into traditionally safe communities — violent crime has gotten out of control.

Shootings, stabbings, and unprovoked attacks have risen to record-breaking levels not seen in decades.

This is why my co-founder, Dr. Conrad Bui, and I often say that SAFETY IS AN ILLUSION.™ And here's proof:

WARNING: This video contains scenes of graphic real-life violent attacks that have happened recently. Viewer discretion is advised.

So, it’s only natural that people want to learn how to protect themselves and their loved ones. And often people turn to guns as a solution.

There’s no arguing that a firearm is the most effective self-defense weapon.

But carrying a handgun is NOT an option for everyone. 

It might be illegal in your area.

It might be too expensive. 

It might be too frightening for your family. 

Or perhaps you or a loved one might object on political grounds. 

What should you do then?

Don’t carry a self-defense weapon and hope for the best? 

No. Hope is NOT a strategy. It’s potentially a path to deadly disaster. 

Instead, you should …

Turn to an affordable and effective tool you can find almost everywhere in the world

The pocketknife is ubiquitous. 

Many people carry a fixed or folding blade for work, whether it’s a carpenter in Canada or a a produce worker in Wisconsin.

Millions more people carry them daily as a utility tool. Blades are fantastic for everything from slicing fruit to opening Amazon packages. 

They can also serve as a back-up weapon in worst-case scenarios.

But unlike a firearm, your average knife:

  • doesn’t run out of ammo
  • doesn't cost hundreds of dollars and
  • doesn't require a license to buy.

If that weren't enough, a pocketknife:

  • is far lighter than a handgun
  • is much more compact
  • is a deadly tool

So, it’s only logical that an everyday-carry (or EDC) knife makes for a practical AND effective self-defense tool. 

But possession doesn’t equal proficiency. 

Just having a pocketknife on you doesn’t mean it’s a magic wand that makes all your violent problems disappear in a puff of smoke.

In fact carrying an edged tool can often create a false sense of security.

Self-defense is often the top reason for carrying a blade amongst knife owners. 

For example, in Britain, a government survey revealed that 85% of the 353,000 people who admitted to carrying an edged tool did so “for protection,” according to The Daily Mail.

But how many of those folks actually know HOW to use a knife if their life was on the line?

The survey didn’t ask, but I’m willing to bet it’s few and far between. 

How do I know this?

Because in my years since I started professionally writing about knives in 2006, I’ve had the honor of interviewing dozens of knifemakers and chatting with hundreds of knife owners at international conventions, like Blade Show.

And I can count on my fingers how many times I’ve encountered a fellow knife knut who actually trained to use their blade defensively.

Why? Because owning a knife can create a false sense of security.

After all, a knife is a deadly weapon. 

The problem, though, is that it can be equally deadly for you too if you don’t know how to use it properly.

Take for example the following cellphone video of a knife-wielding robber who finds out his targets refuse to become victims … and gets DISARMED by them. 

If you’re squeamish, be warned — it ends horrifically for the robber.

WARNING: This video contains graphic footage of a real-life stabbing.
Viewer discretion is advised.

So, if a violent criminal can get his knife taken away and used against him, what are the chances a peaceful, law-abiding citizen will be able to do any better in a life-and-death situation?

Not good without training. 

But does that mean you need to spend years studying a bladed art like Kali or serve in the military to learn combatives?


All you need to protect yourself and your family is to focus on the 10% of knife training that will stop an attack and (more importantly) will get your edged weapon out safely and efficiently.

Because …

If you can’t get the knife in your hand in time, what’s the point of carrying it at all?

Unfortunately, most self-defense instructors and martial arts masters neglect this aspect of training.

The vast majority of knife classes and seminars will start with the blade already in your hand. But that’s not how it’s going to go in a real-life violent ambush. 

Because the keyword is “ambush.”

Unlike in the movies, rapists, robbers, and murderers won’t announce their intentions before attacking you on the street. They will hit you when you least expect it. 

So, you need to know:

  • how to spot a threat
  • how to create the space and time to draw, or
  • how to fight to your knife
  • how to deploy your tool quickly and safely, and finally
  • how to use your blade effectively.

To show you how simple this can be and to maximize your odds of surviving a violent encounter on the streets …

We’ve recently released the practical and effective “EDC Knife 1.0” online course

This guaranteed home study course is comprised of 71 videos (yes, seventy-one videos!) that packs in almost 4 hours’ worth of life-saving content.

Not only is it fun and will boost your fitness levels, this program will give you a comprehensive and no-BS approach to using an everyday-carry knife for defensive purposes. 

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is like any other knife course out there.  

This is not a so-called modernized Kali or Silat program.

This is not a traditional martial art dressed up to appear like a tactical combatives system.

This is the end result of years of pressure-testing and research that Conrad and I have done together and separately.

Combined, we have more than 6 decades (that's sixty years — yikes, we’re that old?!) of combined experience in martial arts, combatives, and combat sports.

And since 2005, we’ve studied hundreds and hundreds of real-life assaults captured on cellphone videos and surveillance footage.

We know how violent criminals ambush their victims.

We know how to stop them.

And we’ve distilled all of that knowledge into this innovative program, which U.S. Army Green Beret Evan Perperis said "should be mandatory for anyone who is interested in carrying a blade as a self-defense tool."

In this simple and reality-based "EDC Knife" course, you'll get loads of life-saving knowledge, techniques, and drills, including:

  • Common knife myths … busted! Many of these fallacies are taught in martial arts schools and self-defense seminars as facts, and they can get you killed on the streets!

  • What many systems miss in knife training — HINT: You were not born with a knife in your hand and you certainly don’t walk around with it in your hand either, so why do many instructors train as if you do?

  • Do you have to train regularly? Hell yeah. Anyone telling you different is either lying or clueless (and possibly both). We won’t sugarcoat it, and here is why.

  • What knives to avoid for EDC: We touch on the legalities of certain everyday-carry knives. (Note: we are NOT attorneys but we will tell you how we approach trying to stay out of the morgue and on the right side of the law.)

  • Sticks and stones can break your bones and names CAN hurt you. How? It may surprise you.

  • Size DOES matter. Is your blade too big or too small? Here is how to tell.

  • Butterfly knives? Karambits? Tanto blades? As martial arts nerds, we love them all. But would we carry them? Listen in to find out.

  • What knife should you carry daily? We tell you and won’t hold back. It’s time to do a deep dive into the blade shape, deployment methods, the pocket clip, and the grip (even the material is discussed).

  • Fixed blade for EDC? Yes, no, maybe? We love fixed blades but ....

  • What blade does a professional knife reviewer for international magazines (since 2006) carry? As a published author and self-admitted knife nut, Patrick Vuong reveals all.

Think that's a lot? Well, that's just a preview of the first 20 minutes! Here’s what else is in store for you:

  • What are the right training tools? To be safe and effective, you need the right training blades. There are a lot of crappy models out there. Don’t get suckered and end up with a heap of junk. Listen in as we tell you exactly what to get and whom to get it from.

  • Grand Tour of Fixed Blade and Folding Blade Trainers: Take a closer look at actual trainers and discover the good, the bad, and the ugly. We pull no punches.

  • How should you carry your EDC? There are a variety of locations, some better than others. Our recommendation? (HINT: Be consistent!) We share exactly how we carry our own personal EDC. We give you all the information; you decide. It is simply NOT one size fits all, despite what the “experts” say.

  • Folders versus fixed blades: We go deep into both types of knives. You will be surprised by the risks and rewards of each.

  • How about neck knives? Shoulder holsters? Ankle carry? Purses? Backpacks? Fanny packs? We look at it from all sides, including interaction with law enforcement.

  • “Get a grip!” How should you hold the knife? We don’t mess around and share with you a simple test to make your grip failsafe. If a handle doesn’t pass the test, don’t use it!

  • Battle Grip vs. Open Grip vs. Draw Grip — If you’re using a folder, you better know the differences between these 3 grips.

  • "Tip Up" or "Tip Down" carry with a folding knife? What are the differences? Does it even matter? You better believe it, and here is why.

  • Hammer grip? Saber grip? Filipino grip? Here are the differences with both the positives and negatives. Get the 411 on all the grips and you decide how you want to do it.

  • How to develop the proper grip: Get this down so that you won’t lose the blade or, even worse, end up lopping off your fingers during a critical incident.

Still looking for more? We got you covered!

  • Drillers are KILLERS! There are 39 drills (yes, thirty-nine!) in all. These drills will develop coordination, neural pathways, endurance, and (most importantly) the skills necessary to create space to deploy your knife under duress. We haven’t seen any other online courses load this many drills onto one program … NONE!

  • Ninja Stealth Draw What is this? Use it when you have time and distance. We show you how to go full ninja mode and how to warm up your draw stroke.

  • Immediate Action Drill #1: Yikes! Your blade didn’t fully open. What to do? This simple movement puts you back in the game and allows you to keep all your fingers too.

  • Depending on your EDC knife and carry method, you may have two, three, or even four different grips to use your knife successfully. If you don’t understand the nuances of each grip, you risk dropping your blade.

  • Combat Draw! Do this one simple motion to create space, injure your attacker, protect your weapon, create a stable platform to fight with and reduce damage to your vital areas…yes… all in one motion.

  • Speed? Yes, it is important. But in speeding up, make sure you avoid this common mistake that may cause you to drop your knife or worse, allow your attacker to access your knife before you can.

  • Knife-on-Knife duels — It can happen but … we share the nitty gritty and explain to you clearly whether you need to focus on this aspect of training or not.

  • Recipe for Success: Watch our 3-stage training progression that will engrain the proper form, help you warm up, smooth out your motions, and eventually get you moving like a speed demon. It is scientific, progressive, and state of-the-art training.

  • Immediate Action Drill #2: Can’t get your blade into play quickly enough? Maybe the clip is snagged on your pocket? Perhaps your fine motor skills went to pot because of the Adrenaline Dump? Immediately perform this simple drill to buy yourself some time. Bonus: This can work with your EDC knife or CCW handgun.

  • NEVER draw on a drawn weapon, regardless of what weapon that may be. It may be another knife, a club, a firearm, or fists of fury — it doesn’t matter. You are WAY behind the curve. Drawing your EDC knife will only get you injured or killed. Use our P.R.O. (Protection, Reposition/Restrain, Offense) method first and the life you save may be your own.

Unlike most other knife programs, we incorporate pad work and drilling methodology from non-bladed systems (thanks to our 60-plus years of experience) for a truly comprehensive approach

  • Do you have a focus mitt? It’s an effective training tool for … um … focus! Using the focus mitt will allow you to land strikes with some power and pinpoint accuracy. It is the precision and targeting that will help you in a violent encounter. We show you how to use it in knife training.

  • How many focus mitt drills? Three or four? Maybe five drills? How about NINE drills? Enough for several sessions. Are you a school owner? That’s a lot of classes for you.

  • Get scientific, progressive training: Discover how we mix the principles of Tai Chi with Silat, Kali, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, and MMA — all applied to your EDC knife skills. This type of training is exclusive to Tiga Tactics. You will NOT find it anywhere else.

  • EDC Blade? CCW pistol? Using it is the easy part. What’s the hard part? If you don’t understand this crucial fact, those tools may prove useless. We clearly explain why.

  • 3-stage knife work: 1) Earn your draw or fight to your blade. 2) Draw your blade and establish a combat grip. 3) Use your blade (the easy part). Let’s put it all together and drill it. Another whopping NINE drills, for this important section.

  • The ENLIGHTENMENT is in the TRAINING!™ We will inspire you to get moving with us. To be dangerous you MUST train. There is just no other way to engrain these effective movements into your brain and body. If another company says that just watching will make you deadly, tell them to take a hike. Added benefits? Physical fitness and pride that you did something productive. Let’s do this.

  • Progressive training with a timer: Use the same training methods that elite MMA fighters use when they train. We show you how to use each round in a logical progression and tell you exactly how long to set your timer for. You can customize this depending on your fitness level and allotted time on a given day. No old-school back-and-forth stuff; it’s time to step into the modern training era.

  • Traditional martial arts, combat sports, or tactical firearms? Learn how to integrate Tiga Tactics Combatives seamlessly and simply into your existing training program. There is no need to change anything in your curriculum. Think of Tiga Tactics as a strong supplement and not a replacement for your valuable self-defense system.

  • The simple (and, in fact, stupid-lazy) way to train your skills daily. This simple tip alone is worth the price of admission.

  • What do you do AFTER you’ve used an EDC blade to defend yourself? What about your injuries? Should you call 911? How do you interact with law enforcement? Listen in as we give you the full 360 degrees of knowledge to truly round out your mindset and skillset.

So who is Tiga Tactics?

And why should you listen to us

Tiga Tactics co-founders Patrick Vuong (left) and Dr. Conrad Bui teaching one of our sold-out knife seminars.

Well, I'm an instructor in the bladed art of Pekiti-Tersia Kali, which uses a wide range of edged tools, including knives and machetes.

I'm also a black belt in Kenpo Karate and Southern Shaolin Kung Fu, and am a certified handgun instructor. 

If that weren’t enough, I also served as the senior editor of Recoil Magazine, where I had the honor of studying under some of the country’s elite warriors, including current and former members of the U.S. Army Special Forces and the U.S. Navy SEALs.

I was also the magazine's resident knife expert, writing and photographing reviews in a column called "The Unusual Suspects."

And as a subject-matter authority, I'm often asked by international publications like Black Belt Magazine and Knives Illustrated to write about real-world self-defense involving edged weapons.

Patrick Vuong

Co-Founder | Chief Executive Officer | Chief Keyboard Monkey

  • Authorized instructor in the bladed art of Pekiti-Tirsia Kali
  • 2nd-Degree black belt in Lai Chung Chuan Fa
  • 1st-Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate
  • Certified pistol instructor
  • Instructor of women's self-defense since 2008
  • Former senior editor of Recoil Magazine, where he studied under former and current Special Operations Forces instructors in advanced tactical firearms, executive protection, and force-on-force training
  • Former columnist for Black Belt Magazine
  • Published knife reviewer since 2006

Dr. Conrad Bui

Co-Founder | Chief Training Officer | Chief Bone-Cruncher

  • Former bar bouncer and security professional
  • Guro (full instructor) in the bladed art of Kali
  • Guru Tua (advanced instructor) in the bladed art of Pentjak Silat Serak
  • Sigung (master-level instructor) in the bladed art of Kuntao Silat de Thouars
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and gold medalist
  • Muay Thai coach at World Team USA
  • 5th-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and American Freestyle Karate
  • A certified pistol instructor
  • A black belt in the Japanese sword art of Iaido 
  • Former Colorado State champion in sport karate
  • Doctor of Chiropractic

Meanwhile, my co-founder Dr. Conrad Bui has so much depth and breadth in his self-defense experience that it's rarely matched by those in his age group.

As a martial artist since 1978, he began formal training in the bladed art of Kali in 1990 and eventually earned the rank of guro (instructor). 

Later on, he achieved certification as a senior instructor in both Silat Serak and Kuntao Silat de Thouars under legendary teachers from Southeast Asia who specialize in edged weapons.

And most recently he was awarded a black belt in Iaido, the Japanese sword art that stems from Samurai culture.

Along with his advanced rankings in bladed combat arts, he is also a Muay Thai coach at World Team USA and a competitive black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

To round out his impressive and diverse skillset, he has also spent time ducking haymakers and beer bottles when he pulled security duty as a bouncer at a biker bar

Together we have trained hundreds of students in the use of both empty hands and weapons like knives. 

We distill only the best of our 60-plus years of combined experience so that …

You DON'T have to train for decades like we did to learn how to properly use your EDC blade

Because we've already done the work for you.

With violent crime at record levels and spilling out into the suburbs and rural areas, you just don't have that kinda time to dedicate to learning how to use your pocketknife in a defensive situation. 

You need something that'll work quickly and RIGHT NOW.

So, to make sure you have everything you need to protect yourself and your loved ones, and because of popular demand, we're now ready to offer the "EDC Knife 1.0” online course.

It’s by far our most requested program to date.

And, for a limited time, we're also throwing in $942 IN BONUSES for you!

When you order "EDC Knife 1.0" today, you’ll get not 1, not 2, but 3 extra programs ... for FREE!

Bonus Program #1:
Sharpen your most important weapon

The first bonus is “Sharp Knife, Sharper Mind”™ — a 6-part course that focuses on how to hone what John Steinbeck called “the final weapon” — the mind — because "all else is supplement."

It comes packed with the following:

  • “Bladed Mindset” Your most important weapon is not a knife or a gun, it’s your brain. We explore this important concept thoroughly.

  • 3 Responses to a Threat — If you don’t understand this, you are done. Fight, flight or … ?

  • How to mitigate the Adrenaline Dump: Could this shut you down? It has happened to the best of us. Don’t be one of them … we teach you how to dampen and mitigate the side effects of the adrenaline dump. Life-saving knowledge for when the poop hits the fan.

  • Visualization Training for Violence: Ancient wisdom meets modern sports science. Becoming a warrior starts inside your mind. Learn the secrets to what modern-day operators are labeling “crisis rehearsals.”

  • Using social media to improve your self-defense! No, not the “likes” and “shares” thing. Quit wasting time on social media and do this instead. Benefit: It will improve your odds of surviving a violent encounter.

  • Three fights? What is that? In any violent encounter, you will encounter three fights that you must survive. What are they? Watch it here first. To be forewarned is to be fore-armed.

  • Have you asked yourself this one simple, but vital question? If you have not made this decision, you have already lost.

  • Tiga Tactics' 3-Stage Mindset: It’s all about mindset … and ours has only three easy steps. If there is one part of this program you want to share with your family, share this easy to remember and simple to practice mindset. It’ll be something you and your family can practice daily and carry with you always.

  • Don’t break the Laws of Stupid! What are those laws and how can knowing this prevent most violent situations? We wished we knew this early on, but better late than never.

Bonus Program #2:
Sharpen your skills with the FUN-damentals

The second bonus course is “Defensive Knife Fundamentals”™ — which contains 22 videos and will teach you how to master the basics of bladed self-defense. 

Here are just some of the many benefits of this 22-part (yup, twenty-two!) program:

  • Bridging the gap between the “martial” and the “art” — Tip: For civilians, training doesn’t always have to be combat oriented. Here are 3 reasons why.

  • If you do not have this, you cannot fight: What is it? Your health. That’s pretty obvious, but we share with you exactly what to do so you can fight if you have no other option.

  • What is the one grip we recommend? It is caveman simple and can save your life. But we will also show alternative grips so you can explore what’s best for your hand.

  • Five angles of force — a good, effective starting point: “Advanced is just the basics done really well.” Yes, we’ve all heard that one … so we’ll show you an additional two ways to use the basic five angles, making it 15 ways to use your knife.

  • Going from a thrust to a slash and a slash to a thrust to turbo charge your options of attack. We compound your natural attacking angles and open up an entirely new chapter of movement for you.

  • What to do with your “off hand” (AKA support hand or alive hand). Big clue: Do the wrong thing and you could be attacking yourself — yes, really!

  • Stab-to-Slash advanced technique: Use this anytime your blade is stuck — or to create a bigger wound!

  • Slash-to-Stab advanced technique: Need to create more space or reach a little further? Just use this simple movement.

  • Train the blade with your support hand. If you are into firearms, you already know why

  • Training the knife is not only good for self-defense, it offers amazing health benefits for your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. Listen in as a doctor of chiropractic explains how.

But wait … there’s more.
No really, you’ll get A LOT more!

  • How to use the reverse (or icepick) grip: It’s like 2 systems in 1. Learn the ins and outs of this deadly, effective grip.

  • Double knife drills: Carry two blades? Or maybe a burglar attacked you in your kitchen and you grab two steak knives. Here is how to use them both at the same time.

  • Alternating mirror drill: Get your neurons moving like mad and at, the same time, it’ll turn you into a virtual blender with blades.

  • Double-up-on-the-angle drill: With two knives and this drill, it’s double trouble for your attacker. You now know the angles of attack; learn to make them twice as effective.

  • Simultaneous angle drills: This drill will have you moving both blades at once. This will make you twice as dangerous and earn you style points. Are you into filming action choreography? Pick this one up and make your action scene look John Wick special.

  • Partner flow drills: Use these drills to develop timing, distancing, and (most importantly) getting the repetitions to burn the movements deep into your synapses.

  • Low-line tapping Drill: This drill will help save your life against the most common knife attack. Both you and your partner will get tons of repetitions in — a true win-win situation.

  • High-line tapping drill: Training this will develop attributes to defend against an upper-body attack. We share the correct defense to prevent exposing your arteries to the blade. This concept is common in Filipino and Indonesian arts and can save your life when the feces hits the oscillation.

  • Combined high- and low-line tapping drill: This drill will allow you to recognize the most common angles of attack spontaneously, so you can move like lightning in a real fight. So, let’s put everything together and … go with the flow!

  • Advanced flow drill: A master-level class on an advanced flow drill used against a common knife attack. Witness the small details that only a master-level knife instructor can impart. It is all here.

Bonus Program #3:
Sharpen your empty-hand weapons

Remember, the knife is just a tool. YOU are the weapon. 

You should be dangerous whether you have your blade or not. Especially considering that, as civilians, most of us will NOT have our knife in hand when we’re attacked. 

(I mean, nobody goes about their day holding a blade — unless they want to be shot by the police!)

In an urban ambush, you’ll be behind the curve

So, you’ll most likely have to deal with a threat with your bare hands first before transitioning to your EDC knife. 

That’s why you’ll also receive a THIRD bonus course, “Toolbox 1.0.”

This 10-part program breaks down our four primary empty-hand strikes.

 This course — which is also a fitness program if you follow all the drills we've laid out — includes the following:

  • The 4 Most Effective Empty-Hand Strikes: Whether you're a 100-pound beginner or a martial arts master, these 3 strikes and 1 technique will help you stop almost any violent thug.

  • Realistic Training: We bust martial arts myths and street-fight fallacies to give you techniques that WILL work on the streets. No fancy spin kicks or overly complicated wrist locks. Just simple, direct, and powerful moves.

  • Progressive Training: You can't go from zero to hero in one or two sessions. We show you how to start slowly and lightly, allowing you to perfect each technique, before amping up the speed, intensity, and complexity — strike by strike, step by step.

  • A Comprehensive Curriculum: Unlike most instructors who teach various techniques in a random order, we give you a specific regimen to follow that provides the most logical progression for building speed, power, and deadliness.

  • Drillers are Killers: Using a combination of solo drills, focus mitts, Thai pads, and a heavy bag, we give an almost endless list of drills you can use to perfect your striking, whether alone or with a trusted training partner.

  • Fit to Fight: If you follow our training regimen, you will not only learn how to put down almost any violent attacker, you'll also get a fantastic workout by burning a ton of calories and building your endurance.

  • Low Investment, High Yield: Due to the modular nature of our course, you can practice different sections of the "Toolbox" for just 15 minutes a day and still see significant benefits in speed, power, and endurance.

Whew! That’s a lot of FREE bonus materials

To summarize, if you order “EDC Knife 1.0” today, you’ll not only get the most practical and effective defensive knife program available, you’ll also receive these EXTRA courses for free (along with some other goodies):

  • “Sharp Knife, Sharper Mind”™ Course ($150 value): This 6-part program will not only prime your brain but also inoculate your body to the physiological stress of violence. Learn how to keep cool and stay sharp under duress.

  • “Defensive Knife Fundamentals”™ Course ($250 value): This 22-video bonus program alone would be more than enough to make you deadly with a blade. But we go beyond just combat, bridging that gap between “martial” and “art” by showing you how to train both solo and flow drills with a partner.

  • “Toolbox 1.0” Course ($250 value): This additional 10-part program focuses on how to sharpen the four most street-effective empty-hand strikes you'll ever need to end a fight quickly.

  • Tiga Tactics Training Knife ($50 value): Made by Keen Edge Knives, our custom-made high-quality aluminum training knives are round-tipped and blunt enough that you won’t have to go to the hospital, but are realistic enough to maximize your training.

  • Safety glasses ($25 value): Order today and we’ll deliver a pair of safety-rated 3M eye protection. These glasses have an impact rating of ANSI Z87+, so they won't shatter upon impact. They'll help keep your peepers working so you can see when a (training) knife is coming at you.

  • Tiga Tactics Big Morale Patch ($20 value): Our patch features the Tiga Tactics logo with a Velcro backing for easy attachment and removal. It's made of rubber-like PVC and has a 3D-like aesthetic.

  • $100 Gift Certificate to a Tiga Tactics Seminar: To make things easier for you to learn from us LIVE, we’re throwing in a $100 gift certificate to any Tiga Tactics in-person seminar of your choice! That way, if we happen to be in your area at the right time, you can train with us for a lot less cash than what a seminar ticket usually costs.

  • Membership to Our Private Facebook Group ($97 value): Team Tiga Tactics is a Facebook group for our students, alumni, instructors, and trusted allies — a private group you can join only by invitation. This allows you to interact with us daily without prying eyes, to get insider content shown before the public sees it (or not at all), and to receive exclusive discounts for future courses, products, and training. Enroll today and you'll be invited into this exclusive club.

  • Official Certification (value: priceless): Once you’ve gone through the entire course, you will be awarded with a Tiga Tactics Recognition of Training certificate. It's official proof that you've put in the work to reach a higher level of personal-protection competency.

That’s $942 in bonus materials
all for FREE if you order now

"EDC Knife 1.0" normally costs $697And bundled with all of the above bonuses, the total value of this package would be $1639.

But, for a LIMITED TIME …

We're offering "EDC Knife 1.0" 
and all of its bonuses for ONLY $297!

That's a SAVINGS of 82%!

I’m sure we can both agree that your life and the life of your loved ones is worth much more than this investment of $297.

But, in case you still have any doubts, just read what a U.S. Army Green Beret said about our program:

"Over the last two decades training for all ranges of combat in the military and the civilian martial arts worlds, I have not found a more practical and effective system. 

"I not only took their full suite of online courses but have also attended multiple seminars to refine my techniques. 

"Their system makes great material for seasoned instructors looking to share a combatives program to their students or for beginners simply looking to improve personal protection.

"I high recommend Tiga Tactics courses, especially 'EDC Knife 1.0.' This is my favorite program they offer and it is what I use when teaching friends, relatives, soldiers and spouses of soldiers."

Evan Perperis
     U.S. Army Special Forces soldier
     Obstacle Course Racing champion

Of course, you don’t have to be a Green Beret to appreciate the “EDC Knife” course.

Anyone — from soccer moms to Special Forces soldiers — can benefit from our effective, no-BS approach to using your pocketknife for personal protection.

The bottom line is, you owe it to yourself and your family to have the knowledge, skills, and training you'll get from our home study course. 

Our Ironclad Guarantee

We want you to be 100% satisfied with this massive training bundle. 

So, buy the course.

Watch all 109 videos across 4 programs ...

Study the techniques at home.

Practice all of the drills by yourself and/or with a friend.

If, at that point, "EDC Knife 1.0" and its 3 bonus programs don’t make you feel safer …

Then write to me, tell me why you're not satisfied, and I’ll refund every cent you’ve paid us today.

That's how confident we are that you'll value this life-saving course.

So, there’s no risk to you at all. You’re either 100% satisfied or you’ll get your money back.

That's peace of mind on multiple fronts.

So, let's get to training! And remember to ...

Stay Alert, Stay Humble, Stay Kind,

Patrick Vuong
Co-Founder |  Lead Instructor | Chief Keyboard Pounder
Tiga Tactics

P.S. — Just to summarize, we have an online course that a U.S. Army Green Beret uses "when teaching friends, relatives, soldiers, and spouses of soldiers."

On top of that, if you order today, you’ll get $942 dollars in bonuses for free to help you train up faster!

Oh, and all of this is backed by our money-back guarantee.

P.P.S. — But don't delay! This limited-time offer is only available to the next 75 buyers.

Once we reach the 75th purchase, the price goes back up.

What People Are Saying

Steven Barlow

"Knives Illustrated" Editor &
former State Trooper
— New York —

"I can say that the skills taught here were very much in line with my experiences as a police officer.

" As a matter of fact, the technique taught here about striking at your attacker while stepping back to create the opportunity to deploy your knife was exactly what we taught our officers during firearms training in order to draw our pistols. It can save your life."

Black Belt Magazine

"At Black Belt Magazine, we've been keeping an eye on Tiga Tactics for awhile now. Why? They keep bringing us the 'state-of-the-art' in self-defense and combatives programs."

Steve Myers

Former Federal Law Enforcement
— Maryland —

"The system is great how it builds from the basic to the more advanced. The classes that I had in the past were lacking in basic information, and rubber knives came out and "lets go at it!" No thought of what type of knife to carry and how to operate with it. In grading this course I give it 100% "

Paul Tirajoh

Martial Arts Instructor
— Colorado —

"With the combatives, movement, and accelerated heartbeat/duress thrown in during the class, I was finding that my successful deployments weren’t quite what I expected them to be. From partial deployments to straight up dropping my knife on the ground, knowing these failures and training them makes me feel much more confident and competent."

Matthew Baker

Firearms Instructor
— Los Angeles —

"The content was presented in a universal way that was accessible and beneficial to all skill levels. I loved the concept and approach to empty-hand combatives in a weapons-based environment, utilizing moves that have a high probability of success under stress and a low probability of injury."

Evan Perperis

U.S. Army Green Beret &
Obstacle Course Racing champion

"Over the last two decades training for all ranges of combat in the military and the civilian martial arts worlds, I have not found a more practical and effective system.

"I highly recommend Tiga Tactics courses, especially 'EDC Knife 1.0.' This is my favorite program they offer and it is what I use when teaching friends, relatives, soldiers and spouses of soldiers."


Questions & Answers About Tiga Tactics Combatives


    There are many, many good combatives instructors out there, and everyone has their own approach. We understand we are not law enforcement nor military contractors, but we believe this makes us more accessible and relatable to the average person. We are also not macho or tough guys.

    In fact, we are nerds and honor students with college degrees (one of us even has a doctorate degree) who love martial arts and love to see people gain confidence and fitness while learning to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    In choosing who to learn from, check their background. What is our background? Read below. We are confident you will be hard pressed to find a whole cadre of teachers with the following experience, let alone just two:

    Dr. Conrad Bui
    • 5th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and American Freestyle Karate
    • Instructor/Coach in Muay Thai
    • Guro (Full Instructor) in Nubreed Kali
    • Guru (Full Instructor) in Pentjak Silat Serak
    • Sigung (Master Level) in Kuntao Silat deThouars
    • Sigung (Master Level) in Ying Lung Hsing
    • Sifu (Full Instructor) in Jeet Kune Do Concepts
    • Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    • Former bar bouncer
    • Published writer/photographer in Black Belt Magazine, Recoil Magazine, and Recoil Offgrid Magazine
    • Doctor of Chiropractic

    Patrick Vuong
    • 2nd Degree Black Belt in Lai Chung Chuan Fa
    • 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate
    • Authorized Instructor in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali
    • Instructor of Aegis Personal Protection Systems’ Women's Self-Defense since 2008
    • Founder and Head Instructor of the CSUF Martial Arts Fitness Class
    • Current student of Pentjak Silat Serak, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    • Editor and published writer/photographer in Black Belt Magazine, Recoil Magazine, Recoil Offgrid Magazine, Breach Bang Clear, and Survival Dispatch Magazine.
    • Tactical firearms training under various elite instructors, including law enforcement and former members of the U.S. Special Operations Forces


    Tiga Tactics Combatives pulls the very best from ancient arts as well as modern day research and training. Nothing new with that, but many teachers (past and present) trained in only one or two systems and then dabbled (or even just watched videos and read books) in other systems, extracting what they “thought” was useful from those arts.

    We think it is irresponsible to just dabble in a system (any system) and believe to have enough knowledge to extract what is “believed” to be functional.

    It would be like a white belt teaching you what is effective in that particular system, yet that is what many teachers have done — they may excel at one or two systems, dabbled in five others and profess to tell you what is legit in their “dabbled” arts.

    We spent not just years, but decades of training in each of our arts — distilling just the most effective concepts to create Tiga Tactics Combatives. When we say we took a certain technique or training method from an art, you can be certain that the technique or training method was thoroughly researched to black belt level and in certain arts, to master levels.

    We did it all; we trained, we competed, we ranked up, we mastered, we bounced, and we researched street violence to bring you Tiga Tactics Combatives.

    Here are the sources for Tiga Tactic’s Combatives curriculum and what we extracted, filtered, and refined to bring to you something that is new, unique, and totally Tiga Tactics:

    Tae Kwon Do/ American Free-Style Karate/ Point Sparring:
    • The concept of hitting-without-getting-hit from point sparring.
    • A fight is a physical activity; be fit if you want to fight.

    Jeet Kune Do Concepts:
    • “Using no style as style” — we consider ourselves martial artists without borders.
    • Pressure test — like Bruce Lee said, “If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water.”
    • Constant learning and unlearning — We started with a mountain of martial arts experience (where as some started with a mole hill) and CUT out so much fluff that Tiga Tactics Combatives drew blood.
    • Being an “open-minded skeptic” allowed us to see things more clearly and honestly.
    • Research — martial arts is a science and therefore can be studied as such with hypothesis, labs, and (perhaps most importantly) tests.

    Nubreed Kali
    • Stick — attack and defense concepts and techniques
    • Knife — attack and defense concepts and techniques

    Pentjak Silat Serak
    • Fights happen in close range
    • Triangle principles — for awareness, footwork, combat tactics, and techniques
    • Elbow strikes
    • Flinch response shown in the forms

    Kuntao Silat de Thouars
    • Solid base — from old-school Kung Fu training or you may end up on your ass
    • Explosiveness — power striking is what gets the job done
    • Constant training and physical development are a necessity, especially if you want to keep your tools sharp and age well

    Ying Lung Hsing (made up of Tai Chi, Ba Gua, and Hsing Yi):
    • Tai Chi principle of “Go slow to go fast” — as they say in the military, “slow is smooth and smooth is FAST.”
    • Slow training for warm-up and proper body mechanics
    • Put the entire body into each strike — engage the core and use inertia
    • “Fighting requires speed but first the internal demands slowness. Violence requires power, but first the internal requires softness.”

    Thai Boxing:
    • Train both attack and defense
    • The Helmet — covering your head and keeping your eyes open and strong
    • Drilling in a safe and realistic way develops pattern recognition, timing, distancing, and targeting
    • Elbows and knees — thrusting the hips to generate power
    • Clinching — controlling, sensitivity, and drills
    • Progressive drilling
    • Majority of training and sparring is done safely and with control; technical sparring can still make you deadly
    • Your attacker is not going to just stand there; deal with their counter attacks and put that into your drills
    • Live training to pressure test your techniques
    • Focus mitt — targeting and contact
    • Thai pads — some targeting and more contact
    • Kicking shield — minor targeting and major contact
    • Body Opponent Bag — targeting and FULL contacting
    • Heavy bag — little targeting and FULL contact
    • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Submission Grappling
    • Stay all the way out or all the way in
    • Figure out their attack and have a logical way to deal with it
    • Position before submission — get to a safe location before unloading your offense (our P.R.O.tect System)
    • Live training to test your techniques and tactics
    • Use technique and leverage, not brute strength
    • There is always a way out no matter what position or submission you find yourself in.

    Online Videos: Studied the most common attacks on the street
    • Suckerpunch, knife stabbing, club attacks and firearms
    • Untrained attackers have a predictable way of attacking not commonly taught in the dojo or gym.
    • The skill of an average attacker is similar to that of a middle school student, because most people do not train or even think about violence.
    • Attackers do not just stop and give up after one counterattack — in other words, they keep on coming in a predictable manner.
    • Attacks are often fast, violent, and in close range

    • Weakness of the human anatomy
    • Strengths of the human anatomy
    • Biomechanics and physiology

    Night Club Security / Bouncer
    • Situational awareness
    • Verbal de-escalation
    • Multiple attacker tactics

    Aegis Personal Protection Systems Women’s Self-Defense
    • Three Pillars of Personal Protection: knowledge, tactics, and training
    • Personal safety starts first with smart lifestyle choices

    Pekiti-Tirsia Kali
    • Edged weapon combatives
    • Slash to thrust and thrust to slash
    • Slashes maim, thrusts kill
    • Stick combatives
    • The universal applications can be used with a pen, flashlight, etc.
    • Pangamut — Knife techniques can translate to empty-hand strikes
    • Triangle footwork — moving to engage and disengage

    Lai Chung Chuan Fa
    • Southern Shaolin Kung Fu stance work — deep stable stances and assured footing
    • Dirty fighting — groin shots and eye gouges
    • Traditional weapons like spear, Kwan Do, Butterfly Swords — can be applied to broom strike, cane, and other modern-day objects

    Kenpo Karate
    • Toughen the body — develop discipline, fitness, endurance, and the ability to endure pain
    • Point sparring, semi-contact sparring, and full-contact sparring — Take the “swimming lessons on dry land” and put them to the test in shallow water, the deep end, and the ocean

    Tactical Firearms Training
    • High-Risk Dignitary Protection training — understanding how ambushes happen and how to prevent and stop them
    • Pressure testing physiological responses to fear using physical conditioning and force-on-force training
    • Handgun fundamentals and advanced tactics
    • AR-15 fundamentals and advanced tactics


    Despite our decades of martial arts research and thousands of dollars spent on training, we still felt insecure when it came to street violence. That was frustrating to say the least.

    Sure, we could win trophies by kicking someone in the head and we could earn medals by slapping on a submission during an intense Jiu-Jitsu match, but we were still insecure about an actual STREET encounter.

    We were honest with ourselves and did not ignore the insecurity and frustrations like many teachers do. How do we know? Because we used to be those teachers who thought all was good with our training. We would think the system we trained in had all the answers.

    If that one did not, it was on to the next and the next and the next. We spent our entire life searching for the answers to surviving a violent encounter. Some systems were known as bladed systems, yet we felt insecure about an actual knife attack on the streets. Some systems were known for their footwork and dealing with multiple attackers and yet we felt the uncertainty of dealing with even one attacker. This HONESTY with ourselves, led us to going back to the drawing board.

    We first had to figure out how an attack on the street REALLY went down and — big hint — it does not happen like you train it in class, in the dojo, or in the gym. We spent hours researching surveillance footage and figured the four most common attacks were committed by a knife (or edged weapon), a club (or impact weapon), a punch, or a firearm. Each of those attacks were carefully researched, and we stumbled upon the fact that untrained humans had a tendency to attack in very specific ways regardless where they lived — be it in Europe or Uganda, Baltimore or Bangkok.

    Through our research, we discovered that attacks did not happen like the old masters and modern-day teachers THOUGHT it did because they simply did not have the means or access to the hours of surveillance footage. In many instances the attacks found in dojos and other combatives courses are WAY off.

    If you train the wrong attacks, you come up with the wrong solutions.

    It was back to the drawing board once we isolated the most common type of attacks. Our next step was to comb through all the arts we learned and were certified to teach (not just dabbled in) and figure out the most direct and effective solutions against these common attacks with a cooperative partner. And, finally, we had to figure out a training methodology that would allow a student to progress logically all the while maintain a level of realism that would match the street violence we had seen.

    You see, in many other classes, courses, and seminars, the teacher shows a technique once or twice. Then you might do it in the air a few times. And finally, you might do it slowly with a partner. Then suddenly they have you jump right into full force-on-force or full-contact training, and the student inevitably LOSES. We did not want that from our students, we want success, not failure. So once again we combed through and filtered the best training methods of our arts (over a DOZEN!) and discovered a logical training progression that used the most effective methods of ancient masters of China to modern-day Mixed Martial Arts.

    Because of our unique perspective, unmatched background, thorough research and MOSTLY our insecurities, there is NOTHING like the Tiga Tactics Combatives curriculum when it comes to increasing your odds of surviving a violent encounter. Our training is safe, logical, progressive, (dare we say) fun, and most of all effective.


    YES of course you have to train! Even we have to continuously train to keep our skills sharp. We would be LYING to you if we said all you have to do is watch our program and by some act of the divine, the muscle memory and knowledge is uploaded into your body, like in The Matrix … “Whoa, I know Kung Fu.”

    You will have to train and (luckily) by training you will:
    Get fit: Yes, you will work up a sweat
    • Gain the correct muscle memory to improve your odds of surviving violence
    • Improve your confidence
    • Create stronger bonds with those you train with

    That being said, once you finish our curriculum we recommend that you spend at least 30 minutes a week reviewing the material or you will simply not have the skills to use when the need arises.


    Our past participants have included soccer moms with no martial arts training or an aggressive bone inside them. After going through our course, it was difficult to distinguish them from more experienced martial artists.

    Our program has been scientifically designed to take you by the hand, start you working on the simple basics and progress you in a relaxing and fun manner. If you know your right hand from your left, you will be able to complete our course and improve your odds of surviving a violent encounter.


    That will make this course even easier for you, as you will be familiar with many of the SIMPLE techniques we use. Look, we are never going to criticize training in ANY martial arts because any self-defense training beats sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Simpsons (although The Simpsons is a fun alternative, it will not make you fit or more coordinated to survive a violent encounter). From our research there is NO perfect martial arts and no perfect technique.

    Worse, we discovered the majority of martial arts (yes, even Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Muay Thai) were training street defense all wrong because their founders did not have access to video footage of live attacks to perform a scientific study. Beyond that, many of these systems did not want to cooperate and share the best of their training methods with each other (if something like that even actually happened).

    Well, we did the research (and like SCIENCE, if you watched the same footage and performed the same study, you would come up with the same conclusions), we dug through all our systems (mind you we have obtained instructor and master instructor rankings in all the systems we represent) and we pressure tested the techniques. Next, we had to come up with a logical progression of training to make our students SUCCESSFUL. Did you notice that BJJ, Muay Thai, and MMA fighters are so badass? It is NOT the style but the intelligent training these athletes are subjected to. Don’t worry, you don’t have to train that hard to be successful with our program, but we will not discourage you if you feel like going balls-to-the-walls in your training either.

    Lastly, you never have to stop any art you are doing, and we encourage you to continue training in whatever art you love. Tiga Tactics Combatives can be a standalone system and, at the same time, it can be used as a supplemental program within any style.


    Not at all. The only requirement will be to have four working limbs. In fact, our program uses only gross motor movements (the kind of movement that is BEST for defending your life), making this program very EASY to learn.

    Also, the training is progressive so that, as you build the skills, you are also building the muscle memory, the strength, and the endurance necessary to protect yourself.


    We recommend everyone get the OK from their licensed healthcare provider before starting any type of physical activity.


    There is no doubt that size does matter, but make no mistake, with the Tiga Tactics Combatives program even the smallest individual can be dangerous. We will teach you how to weaponize EVERY single pound you possess. With Tiga Tactics Combatives, knowing what to do, how to do it, and when to do it is MANY times more important than shear mass.

    Our Chief Training Officer, Dr. Conrad Bui, competes in the featherweight division yet he can (and has) put down guys twice his size.

FAQ Part 2

More Answers to the Most Common Questions


    No, because you are going to get what you pay for.

    First off, few people or even groups of people possess our background and our knowledge. This may sound like we are bragging but remember, it is not bragging if it is TRUE. Not only is the credibility of many of these teachers on YouTube questionable, many of them are simply regurgitating what is floating around out there already.

    Why else do you think they are showing it for free? And, really, do you want to trust your life to the AMATEURS giving out freebies?


    Like we said, you get what you pay for. Here is what you are paying for:

    Professionally Produced: We love to learn, and we have personally bought many of these types of courses! In fact, we may have the same courses you do. We have seen the low production values like filming in the alley where you could barely hear what the teacher was saying. We took it to the studio where we controlled the lighting, the angles and the sound. We show techniques from multiple angles on a plain background so nothing distracts you from learning what you need to. We slowed it down in certain shots. We placed graphics on the screen as markers to emphasis important details. Damn, we feel we deserve an Oscar for what we did but that is NOT all…

    The Logical Technique: The majority of the training out there is old regurgitated stuff from the ‘70s and ‘80s — Kenpo, Kung Fu, Aikido, or what have you — in disguise by teachers wearing military outfits and camo. Even modern approaches like Krav Maga and Jeet Kune Do are outdated today. Don’t get us wrong, we LOVE martial arts. We still train and teach martial arts everyday … but the truth is the old masters never had the advantage of YouTube, surveillance footage, and FBI crime statistics to do their research. Without the data, these masters and teachers could only go off of their own experiences or what was passed down to them from their teacher’s own limited experience.

    As stated before, we spent COUNTLESS HOURS researching live footage of attacks just to figure out how people ambush you on the street, and it was an eye-opener despite our decades of martial arts and combatives training. Once we isolated methods used on the street, we next combed through over 12 different systems that we have instructor rankings in and sifted through literally hundreds (yes HUNDREDS) of techniques acquired over the years.

    Please above for the systems we are certified to teach and the techniques/concepts used to bring Tiga Tactics Combatives to fruition. Although this sounds OUTRAGEOUS (and it IS outrageous considering how many hours of our lives were spent putting together something logical, effective, new and totally unique), the techniques used in Tiga Tactics Combatives are quite SIMPLE.

    And it should be simple because on the street, you will only have control of your gross motor skills.

    Training Progression: The training progression used in your Tiga Tactics Combatives program is meant to BURN the technique into your muscle memory so it will be there for you when “the sh!t hits the fan.” We start out slowly using Tai Chi-like movements to warm you up and allow you to work on the details. From there we progress in a scientific, step-by-step process to working with a partner and eventually going all out with different equipment. By the time you finish our training, you will have a complete workout and self-defense program you can use for the rest of your life, not only to keep fit but to keep yourself and those you love safe.

    Ongoing Support: That’s correct, once you purchase our course, we consider you a part of the Tiga Tactics family and we LOVE family. We have set up a private Facebook group called Team Tiga Tactics. It’s an exclusive place for Tiga Tactics instructors, alumni, and VIPs to ask questions about your training or about self-defense in general. Remember, we are nerds and Average Joes just like you. We are NOT just going to leave you hanging — we want you train, we want you to succeed, we want you to be able to defend yourself and those you love. We’ll be there to give you support, answer your questions and hopefully we can meet you face-to-face at a live seminar one day.


    We encourage you to train with a partner or loved one. Please share away. We only ask that you do NOT make copies of our program to give out to others (or provide your password for our online courses), as this would be the same as stealing. We have spent countless hours training, researching footage, putting the Tiga Tactics program together in a logical and progressive way, filming, editing the footage and getting it to you; we trust you will do the right thing with our efforts.

    If you are a school owner and want to teach this at your school, we would be happy to assist you with our Instructors Training Program once you finish the basic 1.0 courses. Please contact us for more information on how to become a Certified Tiga Tactics Combatives Instructor and implement it into your school in a professional manner.


    Absolutely! We stand behind EVERY inch and every minute of our product. If are you are not happy with our work and our support, we will REFUND your money (minus any shipping and handling fees) after we have received the physical bonus materials back. NO questions asked, and we will still part as friends! We are that confident in how much you are going to keep, use, and appreciate this program.

To summarize, here's your personal-protection package

It includes 109 videos across 4 safe, fun, and effective courses — all of which will sharpen your self-defense skills in an increasingly violent world