2024 Virtual Silat Symposium

Featuring Grandmaster Willem "Uncle Bill" de Thouars in What Will Be His LAST Public Appearance

It's Your Final Chance to Learn Close-Quarter Combat From a Silat Legend Before He Retires — All From the Comfort of Your Own Home! And We Don’t Make a Dime Off of It

Hey self-defense enthusiast,

When it comes to giving credit where credit’s due, our co-founder Dr. Conrad Bui can honestly say that we wouldn’t be Tiga Tactics without our teachers.

And this month there’s one teacher in particular we want to honor ... and that's Conrad's teacher in Kuntao Silat — Willem “Uncle Bill” de Thouars.

Now, Uncle Bill is a lot of good things. Skilled, funny, generous … but the one thing that stands out is just how WISE he actually is!

In fact, Conrad distinctly remembered his early training with Uncle Bill (as he prefers to be called) and finding it so mind-blowingly effective that … 

Conrad felt like he had wasted years studying Tae Kwon Do when he could have been learning Kuntao Silat de Thouars!

When Uncle Bill heard this, he didn’t say the usual, “Oh-ho, yes. Our martial art is a lot better than some namby-pamby foot tag.”

Uncle Bill’s a better man than that.

Instead, he took Conrad aside, gently looked him in the eye, and calmly told him ... 

“No, you did not. Don’t call something a waste just because you don’t understand it yet.”

This one lesson hit Conrad way harder than any punch Uncle Bill could’ve thrown at him, and ever since then, Conrad’s kept his eyes and ears wide-open whenever he was training.

This type of mindset allowed Conrad to view all forms of self-defense with a new level of open-mindedness and curiosity. 

So, when Uncle Bill announced recently that — while he's still going to teach his private students every week — he's retiring from teaching seminars (both in person and online), we knew the public would lose access to not just a Silat legend but also a wise human being with tons of valuable life lessons.

That's why we begged him to make one final seminar appearance at the ... 


It's a daylong seminar taught by Uncle Bill and his top instructors — with ALL proceeds going directly to Uncle Bill himself.

Here’s what’s in it for you.

What You'll Learn

How you train is more important than what you train. 

But if Conrad had to choose any one martial art for self-defense, it would be Kuntao Silat.

See, back before Conrad went on a total martial arts binge and started racking up black belts in more than 8 systems, he had no idea what he’d be in for when he got into Indonesian martial arts.

When Conrad stepped into Uncle Bill’s doors, Uncle Bill surprised him with one interesting lesson.

And it was that lesson that made him regret learning Tae Kwon Do for a moment, because what Uncle Bill taught him was to completely cover his head with his arms!

Now, this wasn’t your typical Muay Thai guard or your boxing guard.

In fact, if you’d seen this in person, you would’ve sworn that what Conrad just learned was how to flinch!

And that’s because Kuntao Silat’s knack for fighting in close quarters — with and without weapons — forces you to get really good at ...

Weaponizing your flinch response

So, when it comes to learning something that you’ll use for self-defense against some rampaging thug, you can’t go wrong with a system that encourages you to USE your flinch response in a way that actually protects you — even if you’re half the size of your attacker!

On top of that, if you train in Kuntao Silat’s blade work, it’s a very easy carry-over into your EDC knife.

At the 2024 Virtual Silat Symposium, you'll also learn:

  • Devastating empty-hand strikes

  • Knees and elbows to knockout your assailant

  • Sophisticated footwork to not only evade an attack but set up for ...

  • Effective sweeps and takedowns to put a bad guy on his back

  • And much, much more.

See This 88-Year-Old in Action!

And Get a Glimpse of What You'll Learn At the 2024 Virtual Silat Symposium

The When & The Where

The 2024 Virtual Silat Symposium is a full day of training that takes place on:

Sunday, January 14, 2024

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mountain Time
(Break from noon to 1 p.m.)

Online Seminar (Zoom live-streaming)

That means all you need to train with the legendary Uncle Bill — no matter where in the world you are — is a computer or mobile device and a reliable Internet connection. 

And you'll get to do it in the comfort of your own home. 

As noted above, it starts at 10 a.m. MT (9 a.m. Pacific / 12 p.m. Eastern) on January 14. We will be taking a 1-hour break at Noon MT and will resume training at 1 p.m. MT sharp.

The Cost

The seminar is ONLY $40 for the entire day of training!

Plus, all proceeds will go directly to Uncle Bill — both to help him in his retirement and as our way of thanking him for shaping what Tiga Tactics is today.

But don't wait!

Due to Zoom and bandwidth limitations, attendance will be capped.

That means you need to register TODAY before we sell out! Hit the red button below now

The Bonuses

This online symposium is much more than just a full day of training in real time. 

If you enroll now, you'll also get these FREE bonuses with a total value of $197:

  • FREE Lifetime Access to the Recording of the Event (Value: $100): Can’t attend the live event? Want to review the lessons? Want to show your spouse some moves? Well, we have you covered! You’ll be able to playback the webinar at any time in the future.

  • FREE Members-Only Access to Our Private Online Community (Value: $97): Join our Tiga Tactics’ instructors, students, alumni, and VIPs online! This private Facebook group is an invite-only community where we post exclusive content, life-saving tips, inspirational messages, and the occasional funny fight-related memes.

  • FREE Unlimited Email Support (Value: Priceless): Anytime you have a question, anytime of the day, you can shoot us an email and we will get back to you. It can be about ground-fighting, recommended gear, or even how to harden your home — we’re here to help.

That's $197 in FREE bonuses plus a full day of training with world-class silat masters in real time — all for just $40!

Additional Donation Options

All proceeds will go directly to Uncle Bill — to help him in his retirement and as our way of thanking him for shaping what Tiga Tactics is today. Select one of the options below.